Sunday, August 24, 2014


Happy birthday to my late Mom...
Not much to say, but since you're in a far more better place now.. I hope you're well there, and keep on watching over us, keep safe of all of us..

Even writing this words down makes my heart skips a beat yet broken the same time..

Happy birthday Mom,
It's been almost 5 month since you've been gone...

For me the time I had spent with you is the most precious thing that I could have...
For me those times I'd spent with you are the best gift any daughter can afford..
And those beautiful times and moments we shared together will remain still, until my own heart stops beating one day..

Though I may not be the best daughter you could have, a Thank You will not be enough to describe how grateful I am to have the greatest Mom, like you...

I may not be able to hug you now, but I know that you know I'm hugging you tightly inside my heart...

I miss you Mom,
I love you Mom,
Happy Birthday

i'll send al fatihah for you. Ya Allah lapangkan kubur mama, hapuskan dosa-dosanya didunia
mudahkan jalannya kesurga.

Ya Allah temukan aku sama mama dalam mimpi karena betapa rindunya aku dengannya, betapa banyak hal yang ingin aku ceritakan saat mama pergi. mom miss u so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

wait for me in surga insya Allah kita semua berkumpul kembali. aminnnn

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